Dr. Beatrice Bonami

Scientist, Author, Digital Ethnographer, Digital Transformation and Tech Decolonization Specialist.

Driving and Co-creating value-centered and context-driven digital experiences and intersectional tech integration with populations across the globe. 

Senior Researcher and Digital Ethnographer, Dr. Beatrice Bonami is a specialist in tech decolonization, digital education, transformation, and ethics in cutting-edge innovation. Holding a Ph.D. in Innovation and International Development from the University of São Paulo [Brazil], University College London [United Kingdom], and Universita La Sapienza di Roma [Italy], her expertise is rooted in a global perspective. As a Youth Ambassador with UNESCO representing Latin American countries, she has actively collaborated with UNDP, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization [WHO]. Currently, Dr. Bonami is a teacher and Senior Researcher [Universität Tübingen], having secured a Governmental Research Grant in Germany through the DAAD. Her ongoing research project, "Framework for Decolonizing Transformation in Non-Western and Southern Innovation and Technology [TnWiST]," underscores her commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering positive change in technology development and appropriation on a global scale.

Contact at beatrice.bonami@uni-tuebingen.de


Water and Technologies.pdf
Aguas e Tecnologias.pdf

Projects I'm working on

Social Technical Model for Technology Appropriation in Education 

(SETA Model 2023)

ABUJA Declaration on Media and Information Literacy 2022

Abuja Declaration on Financing Media and Information Literacy.pdf

Sympoiesis Germany-Latin America: tech decolonization (Universität Tübingen 2021-2022)

Prosperity Framework for Digital Local Protagonism and Education 

(PFLPE 2023)

UNESCO Youth Committee

Health and Information Literacy Access Alliance (HILA Alliance) 

(from 2020) (p.29)


Youth Ambassadorship with UNESCO MIL Alliance


Past Projects

Protocolo Ipê - Amazon Rainforest against Misinformation (2022-2023)

Youth Vaccine Trust Report with WHO and UNESCO MIL Alliance (2021)

Global Youth Vaccine Trust Report.pdf

Covid-19 Youth Survey Report with WHO and UNESCO MIL Alliance



FairAiEd by University College London and Oxford University


Want to know more about my work? Please, take a look at the following tabs! In the next sessions I bring my publications and impacts, my educational and professional details, my history, and my passions (outside professional life).
